About us

Welcome to Valley Psychological Center

We’re glad you visited, and are hoping to help. We are located in Roseville, CA and have served the Greater Sacramento since 1977.

We provide Individual, Marital, Family and Group Therapy, as well as Psychological Evaluations and Consulting. We enjoy providing support to churches, as well as offer workshops and retreats dedicated to improve your family life, personal relationships and emotional health.

How is VPC Distinct?

Many people seeking counseling desire a therapist who can help them work through problems in the context of their faith. The staff at VPC are committed Christian professionals who, in addition to specialized training in clinical psychology, integrate their personal faith with their professional practice. We are dedicated to treating the whole person…mind, body, and spirit. We understand that for some the path of personal growth includes the integration of their personal faith, while for others it may not.

Who Comes To VPC?

Many people come to VPC seeking assistance in dealing with psychological, emotional, or interpersonal difficulties which they have not been able to resolve on their own. These difficulties may involve marital or family relationships or may be personal. Some seek guidance because they face important crossroads and decisions in their lives, or an unexpected crisis. Some people seek therapy because they want to grow and mature. All who come to VPC find an atmosphere of genuine care and concern backed by extensive training and experience. Some of the services we offer include:
·      Individual Therapy
·      Marriage and Family Counseling
·      Psychological Testing
·      Neuropsychological Testing
·      Child Therapy
·      Parent Training
·      Counseling for Teenagers
·      Vocational Testing and Counseling
·      Organizational Counseling
·      Support to local churches through teaching and consultation

In every case the therapist and client will work together to set therapeutic goals, and will evaluate them personally.

How Does Psychotherapy and Counseling Work?

Because everyone is unique, therapy is a different experience for each person involved. In general, the therapist helps a person work through the problem rather than giving simplistic answers. While some problems do not require many visits, others may require much more time. Sometimes psychological testing may be used to provide additional information.

Therapy is concerned with the psychological, social, spiritual, and biological aspects of human behavior. If there is a reason to suspect a significant biological problem, medication or other medical treatment may be recommended. Successful Therapy works best when the therapist and client work together. Openness about oneself and one’s relationships, including the relationship with the therapist is an important part of the therapy process.
Every therapy session is strictly confidential and no information is given to anyone without written permission. The therapists at VPC will be happy to discuss any further questions about therapy and how it works.


The fees at VPC are set at the average rate for similar professionals in this community. The overall cost of therapy depends upon the length and frequency of therapy. Estimating therapy length requires assessing the problem, which is usually done in the first visit. Some medical insurance plans provide partial psychotherapy coverage. Your therapist can discuss these issues with you personally.